
The Study of Crisis Management of Typhoon disaster by Using Operational Risk Management

F. E. Wu, W. R. Chen, Y. H. Chang and J. H. Guo

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  台灣由於位在熱帶與亞熱帶交界處,使得夏季颱風活動相當活躍。近年嚴重的莫拉克風災,高雄縣甲仙鄉小林村 發生嚴重的土石流,小林村全部被土石淹沒的災情,死亡人數491人,宛如地獄重現,全台灣的人,都有一個共同的疑問是,怎麼會發生這種事情? 颱風造成了驚人的災難和無法估計的損失。本研究使用作業風險ORM (Operational Risk Management) 發現可能的風險和提供有效的改善方法,減少生命財產的損失。



  Located in the tropical and subtropical regions, Taiwan experiences lots of typhoons in the summer season. In 2008 the heavy rainfall from Typhoon Morakot, caused severe mudslides,destroyed Xiaolin village by soil and rock disaster like hell reproduce, and took 491 lives. All the people in Taiwan have a common question is how this kind of thing happens? The amazing disaster and the loss made by Typhoon is hard to estimated. In this study, the use of ORM (Operational Risk Management) is possible to discover the potential risks and to provide effective improvement methods to reduce the loss of life and property.

Keywords: Typhoon; Disaster; Operational Risk Management