
Application of Hazard Identification and Risk Matrix to Evaluate the Unacceptable Hazard Factors of a Steel Factory and Propose Improvement Suggestions

C. I. Chen and M. C. Wang

義守大學 工業管理學系


  我國政府多年來極力推展企業建置職業安全衛生管理系統,旨在提升企業預防職業災害之風險管控能力,鑑此,「行政院勞委會」為因應我國企業型態及強化推展成效,故將ILO-OSH:2001與OHSAS 18001:2007二套制度之概念及要點加以整合後頒布「臺灣職業安全衛生管理系統(Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System,簡稱TOSHMS)」,並制定頒布「風險評估技術指引」作為事業單位落實TOSHMS之一盞明燈。 本研究選定高雄市某鋼鐵廠以「風險評估技術指引」作主軸,實際執行工作安全分析並結合半定量分析之風險矩陣,試圖以此協助事業單位建構風險管控系統,並於研究結果中指出事業單位目前製程作業中可能導致危害的危害因子,以強化事業單位風險管控能力,提升其安全管理績效,達到風險管控全面性、即時性、有效性與永續性的核心目的。



  Recent year, government has done many efforts to encourage the enterprise to build up occupational management system. Its goal is to increase the ability to control risk. Therefore, Council of Labor Affair (CLA) integrated ILO-OSH:2001 and OHSAS 18001:2007 to enact Taiwan Occupational Safety and Health Management System (TOSHMS) and issued the Risk Evaluation Technique Index to give the enterprise a guideline. In this research, the Risk Evaluation Technique Index and Risk Matrix are applied to analyze the hazard factors of a selected steel factory. The results showed all hazard factors in the manufacturing process are identified and the ability to control the risk is obviously increased.

Keywords: Occupational Safety and Health Management System; Rick Evaluation; Risk Matrix; Hazard Identification