
An Investigation of Factors Affecting the Public’s Application for the Membership of a Swimming Pool from the Perception of Store Image

Y. C. Wang and H. Y. Chen

高苑科技大學 經營管理研究所


  本研究以商店形象為觀點,探討民眾選擇游泳池加入會員之決策模式為何?本研究透過相關文獻探討彙整,並透過德爾菲法(DeIPhi method)、層級分析法(Analytical Hierarchy Process, AHP)來了解民眾選擇游泳池加入會員考量因素,並透過文獻探討與專家意見彙整出民眾選擇游泳池加入會員考量關鍵因素。 本研究採用問卷調查,針對高雄市民營或公辦民營之室內溫水游泳池會員為範疇。問卷共發放40 份,回收40份,無效問卷0 份,有效問卷為40份,回收率達100 %,有效率達100%。 研究結果顯示,探討功能取向、服務取向、商譽取向對民眾選擇游泳池加入會員關鍵因素中,以服務取向為最具關鍵之影響構面,功能取向次之。用以評估關鍵因素的準則共有十二項,前五大主要關鍵的評估準則為商店氣氛、服務專業、多元設施、交通便利及訂價策略。而較不具關鍵影響的評估準則為口碑傳播與員工守則。



  This research aimed to probe into the decision-making model that affects people’s application of the membership of a swimming pool from the perception of store image by means of reviewing related literature, analyzing the data through DeIPhi method and Analytical Hierarchy Process, and referring to experts’ viewpoints. A survey research design was adopted to collect data from the members of Kaohsiung municipal or privately owned swimming pools. Forty questionnaires were distributed and retrieved. All of them were valid responses. The results showed that feature, service, and reputation were the main factors affecting people’s application of the membership of a swimming pool. Among them, service was the most critical factor, and feature was the second main factor people would take into account. Besides, the top five essential criteria people would adopt to evaluate the main factors were, among twelve, atmosphere of the store, profession in service, versatility of the facilities, convenience of transportation, and pricing strategy. The two least essential criteria were word of mouth and employee code of practice.

Keywords: Swimming Pool; Store Image; Analytical Hierarchy Process