
The Best Practice Study of Project Management Network Diagram

Q. Y. Sheen1 and C.C. Ho2

1嶺東科技大學 資訊管理系
2建國科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  按時、有品質的把工作完成,使顧客滿意接收和使用,是每一位專案經理最希望做到的目標,但專案工期拖延的情況卻時常發生。因而合理地安排專案時程,並且做好時程的控管是專案管理中一項關鍵內容,它的目的是保證專案得以按時完成、發揮最佳工作效率。時程規劃的主要工具是時程網路圖,建立專案時程網路圖的主要工作,包括定義專案可交付產品(deliverables)、工作包(work package)、活動(activities)、活動排序、和繪製網路圖(network diagram);本文介紹如何建立專案時程網路圖,以提供專案計畫管理與控制的重要工具和依據。



  Quality product, in-time delivery, and the customer’s satisfaction are crucial for every Project Manager. Many people view project time management as one of the most important and most unique aspects of project management. Since most projects that are completed are finished late. Schedule issues are the main reason for conflicts on projects. By review and introduce the tools, techniques, and shows the example of a Gantt chart and network diagram. This study stress the importance of developing realistic schedules and then adhering to these schedules in order to help improve project time management and schedule control.

Keywords: Project Management; Net-Work Diagram; Schedule