
Assessment of WMSD in Lifting Work by APP Software Development and Application

*M.H. Ho1, D.W. Kung1, P.C. Wu2, H.L. Huang3, F.H. Chen1, Y.F. Lin1, K.W. Hsiao4 and Y.N. Su1

3OHSSA Group


在業界勞工安全衛生人員進行肌肉骨骼之評估時,普遍使用傳統的紙本檢核表執行,此舉除了有不符合環保和紙張成本固定支出之外,還有無法直接匯入電腦進行統計或資料解析工作等缺點;而直接使用個人電腦或PDA等設備進行記錄,亦有操作地點限制、軟硬體擴充或設備更新成本高等缺點。另一方面,勞工安全衛生人員在執行肌肉骨骼不適的評估過程中,也常常受限於複雜檢核表單內容,無法立即判斷該作業人員之工作姿勢是否正確,在觀察過後,仍要依賴觀察作業中影像的錄製或是片段的攝影,再一次進行評估,無法即時提供改善建議。故在實務上需要更為人性化、便利化的工具改善此狀況。由於智慧型手機逐漸普及,有隨身攜帶、可連結使用軟體和網路、多種功能合一等特性,本研究擬開發可應用於肌肉骨骼不適評估之智慧型手機軟體。 本研究乃結合智慧型手機應用軟體(例如APP)進行編程撰寫,輔以人性化的操作界面,提供使用者進行人工物料搬運對肌肉骨骼不適之評估與判斷。且此軟體的應用更可擴展法規查詢連結、相關職災案例解析等參考訊息。透過整合性訊息及即時資料傳輸與管理,使相關人員在進行肌肉骨骼不適的評估中,一次紀錄多功使用、快速即時、簡單使用並享有整合性的服務。且透過資訊提供及後端資料庫整合平台,此軟體預計除了能避免重工的現象外,更提高人員在評估的正確性及改善之即時性。



The occupational cognitive investigation indicated that about 40% musculoskeletal disorders are related with work. The major causes of WMSD include prolonged time harmful posture, overloading, repetitive motions and inappropriate resting time. The occupational of WMSD was increasing in recent year which highlighting the problem at work. The conventional assessments of WMSD at work were conducted by using different evaluation sheet in paper. It was not environmental friendly and also labor consuming for data analysis. It is also not easy to use computer or PDA to every workplace. By using complicate checklist, the inspector cannot provide advice immediately during the inspection. It is necessary to create an easy-use tool for the field inspection and evaluation. The application of smartphones and APP system could be a solution. Our research aim to develop a software in smartphone for WMSD inspection. A user-friendly operation interface were developed to evaluate the injury of muscle and skeleton came from lifting work. Furthermore, users can also search the link of regulatory and the analysis of occupational injury cases. Integrating the information and database, this software can avoid overloading of inspection and improve accuracy during evaluation.

Keywords: Lifting work; WMSD; APP; Lifting guidelines