
The Study of Recognition Ability between Male and Female in Object Feature

Y. H. Lo and B. W. Cheng

國立雲林科技大學 工業工程與管理研究所


  本研究探討對於物體的辨識能力,是否會因性別不同而有所差異。受測者必須在色彩的有無以及遮蔽不同地方,分辨出此物體的名稱。實驗結果顯示: 遮蔽方式及顏色有顯著差異,對於物體特徵辨識能力,上下遮蔽和中間遮蔽方式有顯著差異;在反應時間,上下遮蔽方式是比較長的;而在正確率,上下遮蔽方式比較低。顏色為彩色或灰階呈現也是對於物體特徵辨識能力有影響,以彩色呈現的方式反應時間也會相對較短於以灰階呈現方式;在正確率方面,灰階呈現方式有顯著低於彩色呈現方式。此外,本研究發現顏色與遮蔽方式有交互作用,分析可知彩色的情況下不論是何種遮蔽方式反應時間都少於灰階的呈現方式,而灰階上下遮蔽的方式則是需要最多的反應時間。顏色及特徵有利縮短判斷時間及提升正確率,其結果可提供設計標誌及號誌等簡化圖示參考。



  This study describes whether the ability different between male and female in object features recognition. The participants should recognize the name of the objects which with or without colors, and covered different spots. The experiment results showed:  significance existed in covering methods and colors, which indicated a difference in the ability of object feature recognition among the covering methods on the upper and the bottom, or the middle parts. In addition, reaction time was longer for the covering methods on the upper and bottom parts. Accurate rate was lower for the covering methods on the upper and bottom parts. Colors or grey demonstrations were also influenced on the ability of object feature recognition. The reaction time of color display is comparatively shorter than it of grey display. Grey display had significance lower accurate rate than color display. Moreover, this study discovered an interaction effect between colors and covering methods. Based on this study, in the colors condition, every covering method would have shorter reaction time than the grey display. The grey covering on the upper and the bottom parts required the most reaction time in this study. Color and feature can shorten the judgment time and promote correct rate favorably. The result can be used to design the signs and simplify icons reference.

Keywords: Feature Recognition; Color; Covering