
The Research on Life Quality and Career Satisfactions of Prison Officer in Correctional Institution under Entrepreneurial Collective Life Rules-a Case Study of Taichung Detention Center

T. K. Wang and W. P. Cnao

康寧大學 生產事業管理系





  Correctional institute is the last-ditch organization of criminal justice system, and the harmony of society lies on its crucial role for correction. This research argues that the life quality under collective life rules and career satisfactions of prison officers are interrelated. This thesis is based on the case study of prison officers in Taichung detention center, compiling the questionnaire after referring WHOOQOL-BREF Taiwan Version and Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire Short Form. The results indicate as follows. First, the difference of life quality between individual prison officers is significant in total. Second, the difference of career satisfaction between individual prison officers is significant. Finally, the difference between life quality and career satisfaction is significant. This research aims to explain how the life quality and career satisfaction of prison officers since the system of correctional institution is always a black box for ordinary people. Moreover, it provides detail information for policy making on recruitment, training and institution setting for prison officers.

Keywords: Correctional Institutes; Prison Officers; Life Quality; Career Satisfaction