
A Study of Emergent Procurement of Military Works for Disaster Reduction

S. W. Yu and C. H. Wang

國防大學理工學院 環境資訊及工程學系


  現行國軍執行災損復建工程採購方面,因承辦人員不熟稔規定或流程,導致作法保守。然而國軍設施種類與一般民間建築物的定位不同,須考量戰備因素,如未依災損輕重分類,分析可行之適用法規以提升採購效率,亦可能延誤作戰任務遂行或造成官兵之生命威脅。 研究構想主要藉從軍事工程災害定義及種類、軍事工程辦理流程及發包策略、現行國內外緊急採購之法規、制度及流程蒐整相關文獻,經整理、歸納以建立軍事設施災損復建工程採購緊急性之定性、定量分析模式;並就相關法規及國軍近三年來案例發展軍事工程緊急採購之緊急性與採購策略之評估模式,提供爾後災害復原工程緊急採購應用,主要內容有以下三點: (1)從軍事工程災損復原緊急採購之觀點蒐整近年重大災害復原工程執行案例,利用文獻回顧法、專家訪談法,採用模糊德爾菲法及模糊層級分析法設計問卷及透過專家訪談,從現行執行工程緊急採購限制因素與可能衍生之問題篩選適用之緊急評估影響因子。 (2)建立「國軍工程防救災緊急程度評分表」及「國軍防救災工程緊急採購策略評分表」,可提供相關前置防範作為及爾後執行災損復建工程緊急採購之參考,期縮短工程採購人員作業準備之時間,提升效率及評估風險,適時完成工程防救災任務。 (3)就國軍近年來設施損壞案例,應用建立之「國軍工程防救災緊急程度評分表」評估緊急程度;及「國軍防救災工程緊急採購策略評分表」評估可行方案並與實際執行方式比較,作為爾後執行之參考。



  The current implementation of emergent procurement of military rehabilitation works for disaster reduction is in a conservative approach due to engineer’s unfamiliarity with regulations and procedures. However, the function of military facilities is different from civil buildings. In general, the military facilities must consider the readiness factors. The improper procedure may delay the procurement time and the carry out of operational tasks. It may also cause life-threatening to the officers and soldiers working in the facilities. The main idea of this study is to develop a qualitative and quantitative analysis model to evaluate the degree of emergency and ways of procurement of military works for disaster reduction. It starts from the study of types of military facilities, military works, contracting strategies, domestic and international literature review of emergency procurement regulations and procedures. The recent 3 years and major emergent military work cases will be investigated and discussed. An emergent procurement strategy and its associated score evaluation table will be developed. It provides a future application to the emergent procurement of military rehabilitation works for disaster reduction. There are three major parts in this research: (1)Collection of data and information of emergency procurement of military works for major disaster recovery project during recent 3 years in the Armed Forces. Literature review, experts interviews, Fuzzy Delphi Method, and Fuzzy AHP Methods were used to screen emergent related factors, and to develop an assessment model for emergency. (2)Development and establishment of " Emergency Procurement of Military Works Evaluation Form." This can shorten the time of procurement procedure for military engineers. It also increases the efficiency and assess risks. (3)Application of this developed evaluation model to cases study. It provides a future application to the emergent procurement of military rehabilitation works for disaster reduction.

Keywords: Disaster Reduction; Emergency Procurement; Fuzzy Delphi Method; Fuzzy AHP