
Simulating Evacuation Time of People in the City after the Disaster Occurred –Taking Taipin District as A Case Study

K. Pao and Z. W. Zhu

朝陽科技大學 建築及都市設計系


  都市中發展較早的地區現多已老舊衰退,區域內人口稠密、建築物結構老舊、道路狹窄,並且在都市規劃中缺乏妥善的避難逃生系統及避難場所,一旦發生如火災或地震之嚴重災害時,民眾未能在合理時間內到達避難場所,導致其生命財產受到嚴重威脅及損失,故針對都市地區避難時間做合理評估民眾安全是一項值得重視的議題。 本研究以太平區為模擬範圍,依據當地都市計畫圖、避難人員特性、人員密度等條件來結合Simulex模擬軟體,進行災害發生後模擬民眾避難之情形,藉由民眾步行避難所需時間,分析民眾避難時間是否合理,模擬結果將顯示太平區民眾因避難產生之途徑及到達避難場所之狀況,以檢討避難場所是否需改善或增設之區位,作為都市震災避難場所設置之參考,以提升民眾身生命及財產安全。



  The early developed areas in the city were old and declined. These areas have high density of population, old buildings and narrow streets. The temporary refuge areas and evacuation systems are insufficient in urban planning. If there is disaster such as fire or earthquake occurred, these will cause tremendous damages and losses to the people and their properties. So, this is an important issue to assess people’s evacuation time after disaster for the concerning of the public safety. This research took old urban area of the Taipin district in Taichung city as experiment area. According to the urban planning map and density of residents, the researcher will study the emergency evacuation system that included the evacuation routes and temporary refuge places in order to process the simulation. The research used the computer software “Simulex” to simulate the duration time of the people escaping from their living places to the refuge place in the evacuation. The results reveal if there is the shortage of temporary refuge places and inadequate performance of evacuation route systems. The research will offer the suggestions about the refuge places settlements and route system improvement that will promote and ensure the security of people

Keywords: Urban disaster prevention; vacuation time; Temporary refuge; Simulex simulation