
The Study of Crisis Management for Police in Traffic Stop Process by Using
Operational Risk Management

J. H. Pan, T. C. Kao, K. M. Chen and J. Y. Yu

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  不本研究針對警察臨檢的執行階段,以作業風險管理的分析手法,找出可能的危險因素並提出解決方案。結果發現:在執行階段可能存在的危險因素有衝撞、逃跑、拒絕查證、暴力衝突、拒捕、加速逃逸、肢體碰觸、開槍逃逸與咆嘯,其中以衝撞的風險等級最高。針對此危險因素, 本研究提出三種解決方法,分別為「更齊全且優質的裝備」、「更嚴謹的臨檢制度」 與「增加警員的教育訓練」;經評估,以「增加警員的教育訓練」的成效最佳,如能結 合「更嚴謹的臨檢制度」,將能大幅降低臨檢意外的發生。

關鍵字:作業風險管理、警察臨檢、危機 管理


This study focuses on exploring the potential hazard factors and proposing solutions for police in traffic stop process by using operational risk management techniques. The results of this study show that these hazard factors include hit-and-run, refusing inspection, violent conflicts, resisting arrest, accelerating away, body contact, shooting, and yelling to police. However, hit-and-run factor has the highest risk assessment. For this particular factor, this paper has proposed three solutions including sound police equipments, strict traffic stop procedure, and offering more education training for police. After evaluating these alternatives, offering more education training for police is the most effective way. In addition, in company with strict traffic stop procedure can significantly reduce the accidents for police in traffic stop process.

Keywords: Operational risk management; Traffic stop; Crisis management