
The Process of Improvement on the IEM Building in CSU by Using the Concepts of Green Building

C. K. Huang, T.L. Cheng, J.S. Li, S.L. Jaho and C.Y. Lin

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  本專題研究主要探討國際間提倡的環 保潮流,以綠建築之角度審視本校正修科技 大學工業工程與管理系館。利用綠建築標章 與九大指標觀念,並參照國內綠建築相關實 例,將正修科技大學工業工程與管理系館改 善成為一座能讓師生上起課來身心舒暢,並 能符合節能減碳的教學環境。 經由觀察正修科技大學工業工程與管 理系館各樓層目前現況,主要有三個較急迫 需改善之處,分別為地下室通風不良、教室 東西曬、頂樓無隔熱設計直接受到太陽曝 曬,針對此三項問題進行分析討論,找出能 以最低成本卻能創造出最符合正修科技大 學工業工程與管理系館成為綠建築大樓之 可行性方案。並且對照民國九十七年到民國 九十八年電費的平均值,做出改善成效評估 分析,將能大幅節省空調用電量,創造雨水 與太陽能之再生能源回收利用機會,經由本 專題研究的改善方案,使得工業工程與管理 系館成為綠建築大樓。



 This study focused on the IEM Building in CSU by using the concepts of green building. By the concepts with Green Building Marker, nine norms, and the green building example in Taiwan, we can improve the IEM building to become a teaching environment that is comfortable and conform to energy conservation and carbon reduction. After observed every floors of IEM building in CSU, we found the three main problems. First, the air is stuffy in basement. Second, some classrooms are exposed to the intensive heat of the afternoon sun. Third, the design of disconnecting the source of hot is poor in the top floor. According to the discussion of the questions, we try to find the suitable IEM green Building plan to improve IEM building with lowest cost. We make an analysis to compare the average electric bill with 97th to 98th years.

Keywords: Green Building Marker; Industrial Engineering; Energy conservation and carbon reduction