
An Application of FMEA to Discuss the Risk and Improvement of New Operators to Work on Assembly Line

C. J. Huang

宏達國際電子 製造部
正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  FMEA(Failure Mode and Effect Analysis;失效模式與效應分析)是一種用以 確定潛在失效模式與發覺其原因的分析方 法。主要是以系統化的分析工具,使其在早 期發現潛在的缺陷及其影響程度,及早謀求 解決之道,以避免失效之發生或降低其發生 時產生之影響。本研究係以手機廠的組裝段 為研究對象,假設整條組裝段都為新人(為第 一次擔任組裝作業之作業人員)的情況下,以 失效模式與效應分析探討新人在組裝線的 失效模式,評估其風險優先數,並提出改善 措施。研究發現新人初上線時,在一定的品 質要求下,其生產效率僅為成熟線的15%, 透過FMEA 的手法分析各個失效模式與效 應,並提出有效的改善對策,以建立標準步 驟流程,縮短新人上線的學習曲線,提升生 產效率與生產品質。最後本研究針對失效模 式與效應及改善對策彙整出新人上線六大 步驟:安排工作站→熟讀SOP→作業講解→上線觀摩→交換作業→檢討→上線作業。根 據此六大步驟可有效縮短新人上線的學習 時間,而達到提昇生產效率之目的



  FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) is an analysis to confirm potential dysfunctional models, and to discover the root cause. It’s a systematic analysis to discover the potential defects, impact range and the solution to avoid the fail or reduce the impact from the fail. The research aim target is mobile phone assembly line. Assume one of the assembly line is operated all by new comers (the first time to be operator), to analyze the failure mode; evaluate the risk priority and the improvement solution, based on FMEA. The research discovered that the output from new operator under the basic quality requirement will be only 15% of production rate compared to the matured operators. Via FMEA can analyze each failure mode and effect, and propose efficient improvement solution to set up SOP and shorten the learning time of new operators, to reach the improvement of production rate and quality. Finally, this research conclude a SOP for new operators based on FMEA solution: set up working lot → understand SOP well → process learning → assembly line learning → process switch → review → start to work。Based on these 6 steps can shorten new operators’ learning time to improve the production rate.

Keywords: Failure Mode and Effect Analysis; Risk Priority Number;Production Efficiency