
Empirical Study the Evaluation of Six Sigma Measurement System

R. L. Jheng and S. N. Huang

正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系


  本研究方法就六標準差、組織文化、組 織績效、品質績效之相關性進行文獻探討, 建立整合六標準差與組織文化之研究架 構,依據人口統計變數、產業群組實施六標 準差屬性、組織績效與品質績效進行問卷內 容設計,採用Likert 五點衡量尺度態度量 表,問卷發放,問卷回收整理後,剔除無效 問卷,以SPSS 15.0 分析工具,研究分析工 具包括敘述性統計、變異數分析與相關分 析,根據分析結果,提出結論與建議。本研 究探討整合性Q × A= E 架構,探討影響六標 準差與文化測度二個應變數的關係。



  The purpose of this paper is to explore a Six Sigma implementation that combines quality acceptance with business performance using the Q × A= E model and questionnaire survey method. The paper begins with a review of the literature on Six Sigma and its key factors, followed by the theoretical framework that is developed via an empirical study of a Taiwanese firm. The results of the Six Sigma measurement system proposed in this paper show that each organization has a unique management position when initiative a Six Sigma project. The Q × A= E model can be used to obtain valuable insights about Six Sigma implementations, and firms should be able to achieve better management decisions after conducting self-assessment using Q × A= E model.

Keywords: Six Sigma; organization culture; organize performance; quality performance