
The Study of Cognition of Classification and Labeling of Hazardous Substances in Globally Harmonized System

M. T. Kuo and C. J. Hsu

嘉南藥理科技大學 產業安全衛生暨防災研究所


  本研究目的是設計一套全球調和系統(GHS)之危害物質分類與危害標示配對測驗,探討職業安全衛生系學生對GHS分類與危害標示之認知與判斷,分析GHS危害物質分類與標示容易誤解的項目作為教育訓練之參考。 171位科技大學生接受測驗,其中有34位女性,137位男性。GHS危害物質分類與危害標示配對測驗以power-point搭配語音自動播放顯示題目。這套測驗分兩部份,第一部份是危害物質分類配對危害標示測驗,第二部份是危害標示配對分類測驗。 研究結果發現GHS九個危害圖示中正確率最高的是「環境危害」與「骷髏頭」圖示,此兩圖示配對正確率達到ANSI Z535規定圖示辨識率85%之標準;正確率第二的是「氣體鋼瓶」與「腐蝕」達到ISO 3864規定圖示辨識率67%之標準,「健康危害」雖然未達67%,但接近ISO 3864辨識標準;正確率排序第三的是「爆炸」與「火焰」;最差的是「氧化火焰」與「驚嘆號」圖示皆未達30%。 探討受測者對GHS 27項危害物質分類的理解,結果發現「急毒性物質」、「呼吸道過敏物質」、「爆炸物」、「水環境之危害物質」、「腐蝕、刺激皮膚物質」、「吸入性危害物質」、「加壓氣體」、「易燃液體」、「發火性液體」、「致癌物質」等10項危害物質分類配對圖示測驗都達到67%以上的正確率。未達67%的17項分類中,有6項之回答正確率不及20%,分別是「禁水性物質」、「皮膚過敏物質」、「有機過氧化物」、「自熱物質」、「氧化性液體」、及「氧化性氣體」。配對率最差的是「禁水性物質」。探討受測者個人因素是否影響GHS危害物質分類與危害標示配對測驗,利用迴歸分析結果發現只有個人之危害物質知識與是否擁有證照兩項因素可以顯著預測「危害分類配對圖示測驗」之成績,調整後解釋變異量是14.6%。



  The aim of this study was to design a test to investigate the cognition of classification and labeling of Hazardous Substances on Globally Harmonized System. There were 171 college students participating in this study. Two parts of this test were carried out, including the classification of hazardous substances matching hazardous symbol test, and hazardous symbol matching the classification of hazardous substances test. The results showed that the highest matching rates were the symbol of “Environment” and the symbol of “Skull and crossbones”. The secondly high matching rates were the symbol of “Gas cylinder”, the symbol of “Corrosion”, and the symbol of “Skull and crossbones”. The thirdly high matching rates were the symbol of “Exploding bomb” and the symbol of “Flame”. The lowest matching rates were the symbol of “Flame over circle” and the symbol of “Exclamation mark”. The results of matching between 26 hazardous classification of chemicals showed that the matching rate of ten hazard classifications were over 67%. However, the matching rate of six hazardous classifications were lower than 20%. They were “Self-heating of substance”, “Oxidizing liquid”, “Oxidizing gases”, “Organic peroxides”, “Skin sensitization”, and “Substances, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases”. The most difficult understanding to matching between hazardous classification and hazardous symbol was the chemical of “Substances, which in contact with water, emit flammable gases”.

Keywords: Globally Harmonized System; Hazardous Classification of Substances; Hazardous Symbols