
Eye Movements in Reading Airline Safety Briefing Card: an Example of Land Evacuation Pictorials

. L. Hsu1, W.C. Li2, K. R Wu2

1開南大學 空運管理系
2國防大學 心理與社會工作系


  本研究的目的主要在探討旅客是否了解航空公司客艙安全提示卡的內容,並進一步以眼動追蹤(eye movement monitoring)技術,來探討閱讀安全提示卡時的眼球追蹤資料以及認知歷程。研究對象為51位大學生,以航空公司安全提示卡中最需加強的項目「陸上逃生」著手進行實驗設計。研究結果顯示陸上逃生的項目中,「AOI 3(機門開啟方式)」花費最多的凝視時間與凝視次數,不過卻也有最高的理解力。「AOI1(禁止攜帶物) 」、「AOI2(開門前注意機外情形)」與「AOI4(如何使用滑梯逃生) 」的理解力分別與眼動指標有顯著正相關的關係。而沒有搭機經驗者雖然需要較多的時間來處理訊息,但其理解力程度卻高於有搭機經驗者。因此若能在飛機上讓旅客願意花時間閱讀安全提示卡,加上簡單易懂的內容,應該可以提高旅客對於提示卡內容的理解力。



  The present study is intended to address the current state of airline safety briefing cards by adopting the briefing card comprehension test together with eye-tracking experimental method to solve the relationship between comprehensibility and fixations. Five Area of Interests(AOI) in briefing card’s Land Evacuation Section were defined to measure eye movement and pictorial comprehensibility. 51 subjects participated with this study. Results from the study showed that AOI3-“how to operate emergency door” took the longest fixation time and fixation counts, yet with the highest comprehension score. Meanwhile, other AOIs also showed the positive correlation between their comprehensibility and fixation time and fixation counts. The implications from these results were discussed.

Keywords: Safety Briefing Card; briefing card comprehension; Eye Tracking; Fixation time; Fixation