
The Postmodernism of Smartphone Market Trend of the Factors Alone Lead

C. S. Hau and Y. C. Chang

國立台灣師範大學 工業教育學系


  本文以哈山(Hassan 1993)對後現代主義的界定,探討智慧型手機之創新功能符應消費者需求的關鍵功能,提供科技產品開發的新思維取向,企圖建構更具體創新產品開發之取向與管理契機。本研究以專家會議和消費者問卷獲取實證資料,以層級分析法獲得智慧型手機的關鍵功能有內建相機、外接無線上網、全球定位系統等,這些創新功能符應後現代主義之顛覆性、即變性、多元性與標新立異的徵候特質。基此,本研究獲致的結論有:(1)對iPhone智慧型手機獨領手機產品市場風騷的關鍵功能有12項,如外接無線上網媒介、多點觸控螢幕..。(2)後現代主義消費者對智慧型手機聚焦於創新性、顛覆性、即變性和多元性等標新立異的功能魅力。(3)消費者對智慧型手機功能以品質優先、生活化和方便性為要件。



  In this paper, Hassan (Hassan 1993) definition of postmodernism, the innovative features of smart phone operators should be the key to consumer demand functions, providing a new technology product development mindset in an attempt to construct a more specific orientation of innovative product development and management opportunities. In this study, meetings of experts and empirical data obtained from the questionnaire of consumers to get smart phones-level analysis of the key features are built-in camera, external wireless Internet, global positioning systems, these innovations should break the subversive post-modernism, the variability, diversity and the unconventional nature of symptoms. Based on this, the conclusions of this study have been caused by: (1) on the iPhone smart phone market alone lead the trend for the key mobile phone functions 12, such as external media, wireless Internet access, multi-touch screen ... (2) the postmodernist focus on the consumer smart phone innovation, disruptive, that is, variability and diversity of functions such as unconventional charm. (3) the consumer smart phone features with quality first, life and convenience for the element.

Keywords: Postmodernism; smart phones;  innovation; AHP