
The Continuity of Safe Hospitals for the Viewpoint of Disaster Management

C. Y. Li and J. L. Su



  世界衛生組織(World Health Organization, WHO)就過去經驗得知,醫院具備的中立性、公正性以及保護社會和健康資本的能力,在衝突期間成為公眾的避風港,因此,應確保醫院在災害緊急應變期間持續提供醫療服務,可有效減少不必要的傷亡、穩定災民慌亂的心寧以及維持社會的穩定。我國位處多災害的地區,更深刻體會醫院是對抗災害的重要後援之一,應依循WHO提倡的「Safe Hospitals」安全醫院的觀念,進行醫院的相依性分析、衝擊分析與災例分析,徹底了解並強化醫院的防護弱點,達到「營運不中斷」的理念。本文以災害管理的角度來看安全醫院的內涵與需求,除了一般結構性與非結構性的設施防護之外,人員訓練、資源有效管理、緊急應變計畫與管理階層的指揮等,均是未來檢討推動的重點。



  “Safe Hospitals” concept is promoted by WHO for recent years to consolidate the hospitals’ resilience, and to ensure the continuity of healthcare service is properly capable even when encounter the mass hazardous events. Hospitals must be one of the most powerful logistic units after a catastrophe. A large number of injured people except for treatments to survive and hope the hospitals are well-functional when they need them most. This paper conducts the review of the situation of hospitals in Taiwan at the point of view for disaster management. The assessment contents of Hospital Accreditation System must be not just on healthcare quality, but also on the subjects of consolidation and resilience of hospitals themself. For example, to strengthen structural, non-structural and functional facilities, training of medical staff, medical resource and well-developed emergency response plans are should be considered in the assessment items.

Keywords: Safe Hospitals; priority; Safety Analysis; Disaster Case Study