吳富堯、莊鎮寧、蔡尚倫 |
摘要 暖化效應形成氣候異常使台灣雨量相對上升,水災影響程度極大,最為嚴重的八八水災,造成的有形損失及無形傷痛都難以估計,本研究使用作業風險管理ORM(Operational Risk Management)找出雨量災害所可能發生的風險加以預防,並從中找出可減低居民財產、生命損失的方法。 The climate warming causes unusually heavy and relatively increase great floods, such as the 88 flood, resulting in tremendous disaster, this study uses Operational Risk Management possible risks to identify rainfall in the risk of disasters that may occur and to prevent and reduce , possible loss properties and lives. |