柯玟如1、王碧芸2、林婉柔2 |
摘要 臺灣目前很難找到像花蓮這樣擁有雄偉壯觀的自然美景且無太大汙染的優良環境,但由於先天的環境因素,必須將重點發展放置於觀光,地方發展的帶動大多是透過地方經濟發展而生,其手段也非常眾多,「行銷」則是其中之一。本論文意在於舉一花蓮縣鯉魚潭水舞嘉年華為例,了解行銷之意涵及花蓮縣政府現行鯉魚潭水舞嘉年華之行銷策略為何;研究花蓮城市行銷-鯉魚潭水舞嘉年華的策略執行狀況;最後提出花蓮未來推動觀光產業行銷策略之建議。 In Taiwan, it has hard to find and like the magnificent natural beauty, and no pollution as the environment of Hualien County. Because the environmental factors inherent in Hualien which the government must focus placed on tourism development. Tourism development has many ways; the marketing is one of method. In this paper, we give an example — Carp Lake Dance Festival in Hualien County, to understand why local tourism marketing strategy. Finally, we suggest some important concepts of to promote the tourism marketing industry for Hualien County in the future. |