
The Relationships among Organizational Justice, Organizational
Crisis Management and Contextual Performance:
Tests of Main and Interactive Effects

C. T. Tsai

國立彰化師範大學 人力資源管理研究所





  This study examines the relationships among employees’ organizational justice, organizational crisis management, and contextual performance. In addition to examining the independent associations between “justice of performance and compensation”(PCJ), “communicative and impartial justice”(CIJ), organizational crisis management and contextual performance, this study also explores whether employees’ CIJ has significant moderating effect on the relationship between employees’ PCJ and their contextual performance, and whether the organizational crisis management has significant moderating effect on the relationship between employees’ PCJ and their contextual performance. Finally, this study examines whether the moderating effect of employees’ CIJ on the relation between PCJ and their contextual performance is, in turn, moderated by organizational crisis management. Survey data on 212 employees from Taiwanese hospitality enterprises suggest that the employees who placed more importance on their PCJ or CIJ were more likely to enhance contextual performance. The employees who perceived the higher organizational crisis management most had the higher contextual performance. In addition, the PCJ had more of a negative impact on employee contextual performance when CIJ was high rather than low. This pattern was most pronounced for employees who perceived the low organizational crisis management.

Keywords: Justice of performance and compensation; Communicative and impartial justice; Organizational crisis management; Contextual performance