
Using Quality Function Deployment Technique to Confer with the Quality of Logistics Service

Yu- Le Su



  本研究旨在利用品質機能展開法系統化地探討物流運送業服務品質的操作,採用因素分析針對託運人服務需求調查所得資料加以分析,得到四個因素構面,分別為有形性、可靠性、保證性和關懷性。將四個因素構面及其包含的服務屬性,導入品質機能展開(Quality Function Deployment, QFD),進而將託運人之需求轉換成物流運送業者品質技術之需求,最後利用品質屋建構可提昇物流運送業服務品質之可行方案執行的優先順序。本論文之研究結果顯示物流運送業急需改善的四個服務項目為:物流倉儲流通加工、客服人員服務態度、貨車司機服務態度、站址。



  This research aims to, utilize quality function deployment into logistics service operation of quality transportation. And systematized of adopt factor analysis to investigate the resulting materials are analyzed to consignor's service demand, receive four factors and construct the surface, respectively for tangible, dependability, guaranteeing and care.
The service attribute constructed 4 factors and channel into the quality function deployment. And then the demand for the quality technology of persons who change the consignor's demand into a industry that transports logistics, utilize the quality room to build and construct the priority carrying out of feasible track case that can promote the service quality of transporting industry of the logistics finally.
The result of this thesis revealed the logistics industry that needs four improved service items: Processing of logistic and storehouse, attitude of customer service, truck driver's attitude of service and location.

Key word: Logistics transports, Quality Function Deployment, Service quality.