私部門中高齡員工退休行為之研究A STUDY OF RETIREMENT BEHAVIOR ON MIDDLE- AND HIGH-AGED EMPLOYEES IN PRIVATE SECTOR李勝榮1 周賢榮2 蘇恩德3 謝天智4S. J. Li1, S. R. Chou2, E. Su3, and T. C. Hsieh4 1南榮技術學院財務金融系 2高雄第一科技大學金融營運系 3高雄第一科技大學風險管理與保險系 4輔英科技大學健康休閒管理系 |
摘要 本文以私部門中高齡員工作為研究對象,並修改Heyma (2004) 所提出的退休行為動態規劃模型進行實證研究,加以分析私部門中高齡員工於各種退休行為上之影響因素。實證結果顯示:1.女性選擇退休的可能性較高;2.男性發生傷病、失業及被資遣的機會高於女性;3.從事商業之受雇人員相對於從事士、農及工業的受雇人員,其選擇退休的可能性較高;4.職位較高之受雇人員相對於職位較低的受雇人員,其選擇退休的可能性較高;5.受教育水平程度愈低者,其選擇退休的可能性較高;6.年資愈高者,其選擇退休的可能性較高;7.薪資所得較高的受雇人員其退休的可能性大於薪資所得較低的受雇人員。 關鍵字:私部門、退休行為、勞動經濟ABSTRACT Focusing on middle aged and senior employees in private sector, this study modifying the dynamic programming model proposed by Heyma (2004), an empirical analysis is performed to analyze the factors that affect middle aged and senior employees’ retirement behaviors concerning the decision of continuation of employment, retirement, injury and illness, unemployment, or dismissal. The empirical results indicated that female employees are more likely to choose to retire. Higher-position employees are more likely to choose to retire than lower-position employees. As to the factor of years of education, employees with fewer years of education are more likely to choose to retire. For seniority, higher seniority employees are more likely to choose to retire. Employees with a higher salary income are more likely to choose to retire than those with a lower salary income. KEYWORDS:Private sector, retirement behavior, labor economics. |