九二一大地震救災安置機制之研究(1999-2000)THE STUDY ON THE MECHANISM OF THE RESCUE AND SETTLEMENT FOR THE VICTIMS OF THE 921 EARTHQUAKE(1999-2000)鍾起岱Chii-day Chung 中州技術學院 企業管理系 |
摘要 1999年台灣九二一地震,執政的國民黨基本上是採取《救災第一,安置為先》的策略,這項策略並沒有為執政的國民黨產生加分的作用,反而讓隨之而來的2000年總統大選,讓國民黨失去中央執政權,其原因並非採取的策略錯誤,而是災民對於救災時效的感受與執政團隊救災的節奏有極大的落差,為了縮短中央與災區的認知落差,李登輝總統甚至規定各部會必須指派次長級以上官員常駐受災鄉鎮,同時要求派駐鄉鎮的部次首長必須會同縣市府人員出席村里民大會,讓民眾了解政府的作法,同時聽取民眾的意見;但仍遭受空前的批判,震災可以說重創了當時執政黨的施政能力。然而,當時的救災安置機制,並非一無可取,本研究即是針對1999年9月21日到2000年5月20日政黨輪替這段時間,政府所採的救災安置機置進行研究,以供爾後突發之大型災難發生時,相關舉措之參考。 關鍵字:九二一大地震、救災與安置機制、國民黨、白皮書Abstract A powerful earthquake, known as the 921 Earthquake, hit Taiwan in 1999. The then ruling party Kuomintang(KMT)adopted the strategy “Earthquake Rescue and Settlement First” This strategy, however, didn’t bring extra points to the ruling party but led to the failure in the 2000 Presidential election. The main reason for the failure was not the Rescue Strategy but the perception gap between the victims and the government on the efficiency of the rescue. In order to shorten the perception gap, the then President Lee, Deng-Hue made it a rule that all Deputy-Ministers of the various ministries of the central government were stationed in the disaster areas and the Ministers being stationed in the townships attended the villagers’ meeting with the accompany of the personnel of the local government so as to allow the public to understand the efforts made by the government and also listen to the public opinions. Nevertheless, the ruling party suffered from unprecedented criticism on their ruling abilities. The then rescue- and-settlement mechanism was not perfect but neither useless. This study focuses on the then rescue-and- settlement mechanism during the time period from Sept. 21, 1999 to May 20, 2000 prior to the KMT’s failure in the 2000 Presidential election. I hope this study will serve as an important reference in the aspect of necessary measures for the future sudden and large-scale disasters. KEYWORDS:the 921 Earthquake, the Rescue and Settlement Mechanism, Kuomintang(KMT), White-Paper Book, |