運用作業風險管理探討疏離危險情人之危機管理THE STUDY OF CRISIS MANAGEMENT TO BREAK UP WITH DANGEROUS LOVER BY USING OPERATIONAL RISK MANAGEMENT吳富堯(Fuh-Ean Wu) 鄭雅鈴(Ya-Ling Cheng) 李婉華(Wan-Hua Li) 曾冠綾(Kuan-Ling Tseng)正修科技大學 工業工程與管理系 Cheng Shiu University Department of Industrial Engineering & Management |
摘要 由於現今社會的愛情觀十分的開放,導致兩性交往前並未真正了解對方,造成在分手時,男子因自己的人格特質或精神病症殺害了其女友。在這些不安全的情況下,本研究使用作業風險管理(ORM)發現可能的風險和提供有效的改善方法,避免因分手造成對彼此的傷害。本研究以風險控制主選單(MOL)來分析面對危險情人應如何適當的分手,而研究以成效為主要考量,其結果以製造假象或做對方不喜歡的事,讓他發覺並非他所喜歡的而主動提分手的方法最優。 關鍵字:危險情人、作業風險管理、風險控制主選單Abstract Nowadays, as the love contact between men and women are more and more open, many of them usually recklessly decide to meet each other before they really understand each other. Some might even easily hurt his girlfriend due to personnel psychology or mental problems. This study is to use Operational Risk Management (ORM) to find out the possible risks and provide effective solutions to prevent any mishap caused by dangerous lovers. And the best way to stop the relationship with your lover whom has unstable emotional problem is to create a fake impression that he really don’t like, then make the relationship break up gradually by him not by you. KEYWORDS:Dangerous Lover, Operational Risk Management (ORM), Macro Options List (MOL) |