飛機起落架系統之危害分析技術研究A STUDY ON THE HAZARD ANALYSIS TECHNIQUE FOR AIRCRAFT LANDING GEAR SYSTEM林信昌1 郭修暐1 黃宗立2S. C. Lin1, H. W. Kuo1, C. L. Hwan2 1逢甲大學 工業工程與系統管理學系 2逢甲大學 機械與電腦輔助工程學系 |
摘要 飛機為一種造價昂貴、高操作支援成本且長壽期之產品。由於飛機之失事事件通常造成重大之財產損失及人員傷亡,因此飛機之製造商與使用者皆特別注重飛機系統之設計與操作安全。當飛機著陸時,第一時刻與地表接觸的是起落架系統,因此飛機降落時起落架系統結構設計的好壞,決定著機上搭載乘客的生命。有鑒於起落架系統對於飛機安全的重要性,故在設計初始階段的風險評估,即成為一個很重要的飛安指標。
Abstract Since major property damage and casualties can usually be caused by the incident of a plane crash, the manufacturers and users of aircrafts pay particular attention on how to design and operate aircrafts safely. When an airplane lands, the landing gear system acts to contact with the ground surface at the first moment. Therefore, a good and safe design of aircraft landing gear systems will protect the lives of passengers significantly. In view of the importance of the landing gear system for the safety of an aircraft, a hazard evaluation in the initial design phase thus becomes a very important indicator for flying an aircraft safely.