

Wu Ming-Shan

義守大學 大眾傳播學系

Department of Mass Communication, I-SHOU University



 關鍵詞: 反恐戰爭、伊拉克復興人道救援、反恐特別措施法、首相領導權



In less than five months after Junichiro Koizumi was inaugurated as Japanese Prime Minister, the terror attacks happened in U.S. , which is the allied nation with Japan and is responsible for the security of Japan . Under the threat of international terrorism and the request of aid from U.S. , it's urgent for the Junichiro Koizumi Cabinet to abandon the long-held defense policy and submit new aid policy to promote Japan 's position in security affairs. The issue will be discussed in this study.


Key Words: Anti-terrorism war 、 Anti-terrorism Special Measure Bill 、 the Bill of Reconstruct Irag 、 Junichiro Koizumi